District Planning Materials – Have your Say!
Final versions of the District Policy and the Scona Plan will be considered by City Council for approval in late May. Some changes affect Windsor Park directly.
- Boundary lines have been removed from nodes and corridors to indicate some flexibility and a medium-density transition from higher density in the major node to lower density within the neighbourhood. Windsor Park is on the border of the University-Garneau major node, which also extends along 87th Ave to 118th St.
- A new policy has been added to the District Policy document, indicating that additional height can be considered on sites that meet at least 2 of the following criteria:
- in a Node or Corridor Area or within 110 metres of a Node or Corridor Area
- within 400 metres of a Mass Transit Station
- Along an Arterial or Collector Roadway
- at a corner site
- adjacent to a park or open space
- adjacent to a site zoned for greater than Small Scale development.
The documents are available at www.edmonton.ca/districtplanning.
The community league’s Development Committee is reviewing the district planning materials in detail to determine if there are any recommendations for the board to consider at its May board meeting. We’d like to hear from you. Please send your comments on the District Policy or Scona District Plan to civics@windsor-park.ca by May 5.