WPCL’s Development Committee’s primary role is to consider a broad range of civics topics relevant to Windsor Park such as: proposed City of Edmonton policies and procedures; proposed developments and re-zonings in the neighbourhood, transportation policies including transit, parking, cycling and street safety. The Committee is chaired by the WPCL Civics Director who is appointed annually by the board, after the AGM. Whilst this committee has no formal jurisdiction or authority in planning matters, it plays an invaluable role in providing background information and community context and expressing community issues and concerns to the City of Edmonton and to applicants.
If you are knowledgeable or have a keen interest in development issues, and can support the work of the committee to reflect the views of residents from a range of demographics and housing types in the community, contact civics@windsor-park.ca.
To view all rezoning applications in Windsor Park and elsewhere in the City of Edmonton, CLICK HERE.
To stay up to date with all WPCL news and events, sign up for Windsor Park’s weekly e-news at enews@windsor-park.ca or check out the news and events page on our website. For specific information regarding WPCL civics and planning, contact: civics@windsor-park.ca.