11840 87 Ave, Edmonton
(780) 439-0902

Join the Community Conversation on the New Residential Parking Program

“One of the marvelous things about community is that it enables us to welcome and help people in a way we couldn't as individuals.” – Jean Vanier

Join the Community Conversation on the New Residential Parking Program

Following recent discussions at the May WPCL Board meeting regarding the new parking program, we’re happy to be able to continue the conversation and explore potential next steps.

A follow-up meeting has been scheduled for Thursday evening, May 30 at 7:00 pm at our community hall. 

This meeting aims to address the expected impact of the new program on residents and the neighbourhood as a whole. 

We have invited all who attended the May 21 board meeting directly.  However, any Windsor Park resident who has an interest in participating in discussions about the residential parking program is welcome to join us. 

Please confirm your attendance to  civics@windsor-park.ca

Your input is essential as we navigate this transition together. Let’s work together to ensure the best outcomes for our community.  

If you are not yet a WPCL member, please consider joining to support the work that your neighbours do to make our community a better place to be and live. #bettertogether