11840 87 Ave, Edmonton
(780) 439-0902

Join Us in Shaping Our Community’s Future!

“One of the marvelous things about community is that it enables us to welcome and help people in a way we couldn't as individuals.” – Jean Vanier

Join Us in Shaping Our Community’s Future!

We are embarking on an exciting journey to review and update our community league bylaws, and we need YOUR help every step of the way.

Why get involved?

  • Shape the future direction of our community 
  • Shape the future direction of our community 
  • Have a say in governance decisions that impact us all.

How can you participate? 

  • Join our review team and work directly on the bylaws
  • Share your thoughts through any surveys and feedback forms 

Let’s make our community the best it can be, together! For more information or to register your interest, contact vicepresident@windsor-park.ca.

Not yet a member of the Windsor Park Community League? Join HERE

Don’t forget to check out our upcoming events and programs and volunteer opportunities HERE