11840 87 Ave, Edmonton
(780) 439-0902

Coffee with Michel Janz

“One of the marvelous things about community is that it enables us to welcome and help people in a way we couldn't as individuals.” – Jean Vanier

Coffee with Michel Janz

On 24th Feb, our Community League VP, Kyrstie met with Cllr Janz to talk about issues related to parking, traffic, sustainability, development and other community concerns from neighbours in the Windsor Park neighbourhood. Important points covered included parking and traffic challenges near the UofA campus, the city’s growth and sustainable transportation goals, issues around green building standards and climate change policies being restricted by provincial regulations, the Hawrelak steps, mosquito control and homelessness in our City.

Residents should continue to document parking/ traffic and other complaints and issues with 311 calls and emails/ calls to his office and should continue to report crimes and suspicious persons to the non-emergency police line. Here’s the full interview.


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